How to find the source of this BSOD? How to fix it?

Solution 1:

  1. Install the Debugging Tools for Windows.
  2. After Installing, open WinDbg from start menu.
  3. Click File > Symbol File path and enter SRVC:\SymbolCache (replace C:\SymbolCache with path of your choice)
  4. Click File > Open Crashdump and open the memory.dmp file in your %SystemRoot% (usually C:\WINDOWS or C:\WINNT) OR the latest file in %SystemRoot%\Minidump if you have full dumps disabled.
  5. The offending driver will be listed below, similar to this: Probably caused by : usbhub.sys ( usbhub!UsbhTrapFatalTimeout_x9f+28 ), but you can click the !analyze -v link to get detailed stack trace.

Solution 2:

A much simpler way would be to use BlueScreenView. If you look into the "Address In Stack" column you can see where the problematic call originally came from. This is the last row that has an entry in this column.

Taking the driver file name you can back-track the vendor/application/device it belongs to and therefore find the culprit with a high probability.