What is killing my battery?

I have an iPhone XS (bought brand-new, About section says limited warranty until 14 april 2020, the date I bought it) running iOS 13.2.3 When I took it out of the box it was running iOS 12 and I enrolled to iOS 13 on beta 6 and I kept updating betas when they came out. My battery is now on 90% of health which seems an excessive wear-off for 7 months. My charging habits are as follows:

  • One hour in the morning via CarPlay (after being left overnight a bit over 20%)
  • One hour in the afternoon via CarPlay (usually being between 30% and 70% due to the daily use)
  • Almost never left charging overnight (except one or two times but definitely not something repetitive)
  • Almost never left battery completely empty (as above, except one or two times)
  • For two or three months I used a wireless charger during the morning and I ocassionally do if I use the phone a bit more
  • I scarcely play games in the phone (say one or two times a month, while charging. The phone heats more than usual but it seems normal to me)
  • I use my phone for navigation, calls, social media, photography and messaging apps, with some apps doing background work to upload photos. iOS backup to iCloud is disabled (although I back up via iTunes weekly or more frequent)
  • I do not expose my phone to extreme temperature changes
  • The phone averages 30 hours of screen on per week
  • I use the original cable and two other ones that I bought from Amazon which claim to be "made for iPhone": one is Amazon basics and the other one is third party, the price made me think it is legit. However, I charge the phone the most while on CarPlay which is done with the original, shipped within the box. Those two cables are used almost exclusively on weekends.

I should mention that during a span of two weeks or so I updated to iOS 13.2.2 that shipped a bug which depleted the battery faster than normal (in adittion to the two charges, I had to add a third one in between because the phone dropped 30% overnight in airplane mode, which was fixed in iOS 13.2.3)

I do not believe this wear-off pattern is normal. Is there something in the listed above (which seems normal to me) killing my battery?

EDIT: adding battery info as reported by iBackupBot


Solution 1:

No, there's nothing in that list which is "killing" your battery. The battery degrades during normal use - that's not preventable and to be expected.

Batteries are not all alike. Some degrade faster than others - you cannot say that the battery capacity shrinks x.xx% per year in general and expect that exact number on every phone.

Apple states that the battery is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity at 500 complete charge cycles under normal conditions. You're still well above 80%.

Having 90% capacity after 222 charge cycles seems to be quite alright - i.e. it is likely that you’ll be at approx. 80% percent after 500 charge cycles.