How to access a folder through the terminal

I'm trying to follow this answer in getting my wireless to work. However I'm incredibly new at the whole Linux thing, and there is a part in there that I really just don't understand:

Go to your main extracted folder (It should be the DPO_RT3290_LinuxSTA_V2600_20120508 folder) and type the following:

sudo make install

When he says "Go to", does he mean go to the file window? Wen I'm there and type "make" and hit Enter, it just opens up the file. How exactly am I supposed to make this thing work? What he is trying to say? I really just don't get it. Can somebody help me to understand this, so I can get my wireless working.

These should be done in the Terminal

Press Ctrl+Alt+T. This will open the Terminal.

Go To: Means you should access the folder where the extracted file is in, through Terminal.

This cam be done with command,

cd [ dir ]

[ dir ]: Directory Path

To find the Directory Path,

  1. Right-Click the file. Right-Click Menu will appear.

  2. Then select the Properties Option in the Right-Click Menu

  3. Then the Properties Window appear.

  4. Go to the Basic Tab of it.

  5. In the Location field, There is the Directory Path.

Ex: /home/YOUR NAME/Downloads

So the command will be:

$ cd /home/YOUR NAME/Downloads

In order to paste the "file path" (i.e. /home/YOUR NAME/Downloads) into the terminal use CTRL + SHIFT + V (or right click in the terminal and paste click paste - don't forget to add the 'cd' at the start of the line).

Other easy method that you can do is :

  1. In Terminal, type cd and make a space infrot

  2. Then Drag and Drop the folder from the file browser to the Terminal

  3. Then Press Enter

Then you need to Enter make and sudo make install commands, one by one.

$ make

$ sudo make install

  • Press ctrl+alt+t.It will open gnome terminal,Then run the below commands to install nautilus-open-terminal.

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal
    nautilus -q

    Then close the terminal.

  • Open the extracted folder DPO_RT3290_LinuxSTA_V2600_20120508.Then right-click inside the DPO_RT3290_LinuxSTA_V2600_20120508 folder.There you find an option open in terminal,select it.

enter image description here

  • A new terminal will open,in that terminal run the following commands,

    sudo make install