a person who behaves in an overly familiar way [closed]

What do you call a person who behaves in an overly familiar way, taking too many liberties, saying things that only someone with a closer relationship with you would normally say?

Solution 1:

I would say this person is 'forward', from Webster:

Lacking modesty or reserve.  Brash, poorly disciplined children are often distressingly forward.

Solution 2:

They are being over-familiar - Too familiar. Inappropriately or unduly intimate or informal (OED).


Impertinent - (Of persons, their actions, etc.) Meddling with what is beyond one's province; intrusive, presumptuous; behaving without proper respect or deference to superiors or strangers; insolent or saucy in speech or behaviour (OED).

OR (just plain),

Rude - Unmannerly, uncivil, impolite; offensively or deliberately discourteous.(OED)

Solution 3:

The word you want is presumptuous: (link and defintion from Merriam-Webster)

overstepping due bounds (as of propriety or courtesy) : taking liberties

The word shares a root with presume, suggesting a person who presumes to know things better or to speak to people as they though were more familiar. As an example:

It was very presumptuous of Bob to ask Alice about the details of her vacation plans.