Swift Initialize Struct with optional stored properties

I'm a Swift newbie and I'm trying to get my head around using Structs with optional properties. I've done quite a bit of searching and got something that works but it feels incredibly inefficient so wondered if there's a better/more manageable way of achieving my goal.

I'd like to use Structs to represent a business but I have no idea in advance which combination of properties any specific business is likely to have. This seems to mean that I have to create an init() for every possible combination of parameters.

Here's a simplified example (I have many more properties):

import Foundation

struct Business {
    let name : String
    var web : String?
    var address: String?

    // just the business name
    init(busName: String) {
        self.name = busName

    // business name + website
    init(busName: String, website: String) {
        self.name = busName
        self.web = website

    // business name + address
    init(busName: String, address: String) {
        self.name = busName
        self.address = address

    // business name + website + address
    init(busName: String, website: String, address: String) {
        self.name = busName
        self.web = website
        self.address = address

I can then initialise the class like this:

Business(busName: "Dave's Cafe", website: "http://www.davescafe.com")

Business(busName: "Sarah's Brewhouse", address: "41 Acacia Ave, Smalltown")

Is there no way to create some kind of init() where the parameters are optional? If you could point me in the direction of terms or concepts to search for that would be great.

Solution 1:

Use default values:

init(busName: String, website: String? = nil, address: String? = nil) {
    self.name = busName
    self.web = website
    self.address = address

Then you can call the init like this:

_ = Business(busName: "Foo")
_ = Business(busName: "Foo", website: "www.foo.bar")
_ = Business(busName: "Foo", address: "bar")
_ = Business(busName: "Foo", website: "www.foo.bar", address: "bar")

Solution 2:

One approach that you can borrow from other OOP languages is parameter builder pattern. Start with a static method that returns a builder, then add methods for individual parameters, and finally call build():

let bakery = Business
    .withName("Black Forest")
    .andAddress("1 Main St, Springfield, IA 98765")

Here is a skeletal implementation that enables this kind of an API:

class Business {
    // Users never call this init, it's for the builder to use
    init(name: String, webSite: String?, address: String?) {
    // Here is the method the users call:
    static func withName(name: String) {
        return BusinessBuilder(name)
    // This class collects parameters before calling init
    class BusinessBuilder {
        var name : String
        var webSite : String?
        var address: String?
        func andAddress(address: String) -> BusinessBuilder {
            self.address = address
            return self
        func andWebSite(webSite: String) -> BusinessBuilder {
            self.webSite = webSite
            return self
        func build() -> Business {
            return Business(name, webSite, address)
        init(name: String) {
            self.name = name

This lets you pass as few or as many initializer parameters as you see fit, in any order that you find convenient in a given situation.

The main use of this approach is when you do not know which parameters you are going to get, for example, when they come from an XML or a database. You can call andXyz methods in a loop, and then call build() when you have no other attributes to set.