How to disable auto load of applications on restart/turn on over OS X Catalina?

Every time when I turn on my mac it immediately opens previous applications...

For example - Safari and Video editor were opened before to turn off my laptop I closed all applications and then shut down the laptop. Next time when I turn my mac on it immediately opens again last closed applications (Safari and Video editor for example).

I found this answer on SO

it did not help

Also, I checked auto-loading applications

enter image description here

There are not any applications listed as auto-loading.

So, question is - how to disable these recent auto-loadings?

Solution 1:

I know this isn't a permanent solution, but from what you are describing it only happens when you recently close an app and then restart your computer. Here is a screenshot from a support article on the Apple Support website Apple Support Fix Along with this solution instead of closing the application, make sure that it is totally closed (the little white dot below the application is gone).

For example:
Application still open: Open Application Logo
Application totally closed: Closed Application Logo

Let me know if any of this helps!