Linux Centos with dmesg timestamp

dmesg reads the Kernel log ring buffer. It doesn't do timestamps. What you should do is configure syslog to grab the kernel logs from that buffer and send them to a file (if it isn't already set to do so). Note, default CentOS 5.x syslog config sends kernel logs to /var/log/messages, as I recall.

If you'd like to send all kernel (dmesg) logs to /var/log/kern.log, using the default syslog daemon, you'd add a line like the following to /etc/syslog.conf

kern.*                         /var/log/kern.log

There is solution "Enabling Timestamps for dmesg/Kernel Ring Buffer"

You could add:


to kernel cmdline.

As for me, I have added to rc.local on all machines with puppet. It's easier for me) :

if test -f /sys/module/printk/parameters/time; then
   echo 1 > /sys/module/printk/parameters/time

I've written this simple script. Yes, it's slow. If you want something faster you either actually write a script on perl, python or something else. I'm sure this simple script can give you the hang of how it can be calculated.

Please note I ignored the seconds fraction registered in each line (after the . in the timestamp).

localtime() {
 perl -e "print(localtime($1).\"\n\");";

upnow="$(cut -f1 -d"." /proc/uptime)"
upmmt="$(( $(date +%s) - ${upnow} ))"

dmesg | while read line; do
 timestamp="$(echo "${line}" | sed "s/^\[ *\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/g")"
 timestamp=$(( ${timestamp} + ${upmmt} ))
 echo "${line}" | sed "s/^[^]]\+]\(.*\)/$(localtime "${timestamp}") -\1/g"

I hope it helps. :)