How to install Oxford Advanced Learners' 8 in ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64bit

I have bought Oxford Advanced Learners' 8 which come along with installation CD. In the cd they have linux installation option. But i can't install that in my ubuntu. When i run from my terminal i get the following error message:

The setup program seems to have failed on AMD64/unknown
Fatal error, no tech support email configured in this setup

Does anyone have idea about installing OALD 8 in Ubuntu x64?

For OALD8 on Ubuntu 12.04 64bit, try the following instructions:

1 Dependencies

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk ia32-libs-sdl dpkg-dev

2 Mount the ISO/CD

using Furious ISO Mount Tool, etc!

3 Begin Installation

Go to the mount directory

cd linux

linux32 ./



No Sound?

Try padsp – PulseAudio OSS Wrapper:

padsp starts the specified program and redirects its access to OSS compatible audio devices (/dev/dsp and auxiliary devices) to a PulseAudio sound server.

padsp path-to-the-oald8


padsp ‘/home/nikunj/oald8/oald8′


Create a Shell-Script on the Desktop


 padsp ‘/home/nikunj/oald8/oald8′

Make it executable. Also, optionally set the ICON from: /home/nikunj/oald8/chrome/icons/default/main-window.xpm

3 (adjust)

Annoying Dialog: Click OK to download Plugin

Click Cancel. Yeah! Adjust! :P

Original tutorial by Nikunj Lahoti.