Renaming multiple files in a directory using Python

You are not giving the whole path while renaming, do it like this:

import os
path = '/Users/myName/Desktop/directory'
files = os.listdir(path)

for index, file in enumerate(files):
    os.rename(os.path.join(path, file), os.path.join(path, ''.join([str(index), '.jpg'])))

Edit: Thanks to tavo, The first solution would move the file to the current directory, fixed that.

You have to make this path as a current working directory first. simple enough. rest of the code has no errors.

to make it current working directory:


import os
from os import path
import shutil

Source_Path = 'E:\Binayak\deep_learning\Datasets\Class_2'
Destination = 'E:\Binayak\deep_learning\Datasets\Class_2_Dest'
#dst_folder = os.mkdir(Destination)

def main():
    for count, filename in enumerate(os.listdir(Source_Path)):
        dst =  "Class_2_" + str(count) + ".jpg"

        # rename all the files
        os.rename(os.path.join(Source_Path, filename),  os.path.join(Destination, dst))

# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':