How do I share an entire album in iCloud photos? Not just individual pictures [duplicate]

I have several albums with photos taken on an iPhone, which I view and work with at I can select individual pictures and create a share link, and I do this all the time.

But when I select an album, all the share links ghost out.

ghosted share links iCloud web photos

How can I use iCloud Photo to share whole albums with others?

PS: I'm aware of How can I share an iCloud photo album? but this recommends to use iCloud Photo Sharing which isn't available from iCloud Photos.

Unfortunately, Shared Albums are not currently available on the web:
Can I view shared photo albums on the web interface?

You cannot share albums created on your iPhone or Mac or on iCloud Photos with other iCloud users.

These albums are synced to your other devices via iCloud, which is why you can see them on the web.

In the image you are attempting to share a normal album. These cannot be shared.

You must use the dedicated "Shared Albums" feature of iCloud Photos. This is different than the "Albums" feature, which you cannot share.

Shared Albums are not available via the web interface.

There is no way to create a shared photo album from

The only way, as of this writing, to create as shared photo album is from the Photos app on an iOS device or the Photos application on a macOS device.