jquery how to check response type for ajax call

How can I determine the response type of ajax call in Jquery? At times, the server sends json response and at times it sends only the html for display purposes. Right now I am using

  //popup error message

You can try it like:

  type: "POST",
  url: "your url goes here", 
  data: "data to be sent", 
  success: function(response, status, xhr){ 
    var ct = xhr.getResponseHeader("content-type") || "";
    if (ct.indexOf('html') > -1) {
      //do something
    if (ct.indexOf('json') > -1) {
      // handle json here

Basically it is also using indexOf but it seems more reliable.

You can simply use javascript's easy method to check the type


if(typeof response=="object")
 // Response is javascript object
 // Response is HTML

If you use this method you don't have to write 2 extra parameter in the success callback.