How to change the location of user's download folder?

Delete the old folder and symlink the new download path to the old download path. Make sure to copy everything in the old download directory to the new directory.

Note: This will only work in bash, so make sure to type in bash into terminal and ignore any warnings given about bash no longer being used.

# set newdir to the new directory
# This path can also be relative to the user path (~/relative/to/user/path)

# copy all files in old directory to new directory
find "~/Downloads" -type f -exec cp {} "$NEWDIR"/ \;

# move old directory to new directory
cd ~/Downloads
shopt -s dotglob
for item in *
    mv $item "$NEWDIR/"

# delete folder and contents in the default path
rm -rf ~/Downloads

# symlink new path to old path
ln -s "$NEWDIR"/ ~/Downloads