I am developing one site which has chat feature in Rails. I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I need to check that the site is IE9 because the chat feature using socket io of HTML5. I want to know that how to install IE9 in Ubuntu. I have looked at Chrome and Firefox extensions but if any standalone is available then please give me suggestion.

Solution 1:

Microsoft has created some customized Windows VHDs with the purpose of allowing web designers to test websites in Internet Explorer 10, 9, 8 and 7, for Free for 30 days:

You can download the virtual machine images from this website:

  • Free Virtual Machines From IE8 to MS Edge

From the site:

  1. Download the SFX and all RAR files for the VM (smaller VMs may not have files with RAR extension). In each set below that contains a split archive, the provided text file (.txt) contains URLs to all files in the set, and this can be used directly with the 'wget' command in Linux. From the terminal, enter wget -i [URL TO TEXT FILE]. For Windows XP single file downloads, use wget [URL TO DOWNLOAD FILE] instead.

Example 1:

wget -i https://az412801.vo.msecnd.net/vhd/IEKitV1_Final/VirtualBox/Linux/IE8_Win7/IE8.Win7.For.LinuxVirtualBox_2.txt

Example 2:

wget https://az412801.vo.msecnd.net/vhd/IEKitV1_Final/VirtualBox/Linux/IE6_XP/IE6.WinXP.For.LinuxVirtualBox.sfx
  1. After the download of all files for a set is complete, give the SFX file execute permission by typing chmod +x filename.sfx at the terminal.

  2. Execute the SFX executable from the terminal with ./filename.sfx to expand the virtual machine to the current directory.

See also:

  • Making Internet Explorer Testing Easier with new IE VMs - Rey Bango
  • Free Official MSIE VM's for Linux and Mac | Hacker News

Solution 2:

Is this for personal/normal use or for testing website development?

If it's for normal browsing, you can get winetricks. Then run

winetricks ie6


winetricks ie7


winetricks ie8

And it should install a barebones, just-functioning version of IE. It won't be the full thing though. You may find that running IE in VMWare Player or VirtualBox with their seamless integration may be a better choice.

If this is for testing web development, have a look at browsershots.org which can test the website for you in different browsers and versions.

Solution 3:

The best option is to run IE from the VirtualBox. Some time ago Microsoft created some files to run IE 7, 8 and 9 for free from VirtualBox(no Windows license needed). Give it a try.

Quoted from Webupd8.org:

Microsoft has created some customized Windows VHDs with the purpose of allowing web designers to test websites in Internet Explorer 9, 8 and 7, for free. To make it easier to set up, xdissent has created a Mac OSX / Linux script that will download the required files, extract them, install the latest VirtualBox guest additions and so on.

Read more here. :)