PSCustomObject to Hashtable
Shouldn't be too hard. Something like this should do the trick:
# Create a PSCustomObject (ironically using a hashtable)
$ht1 = @{ A = 'a'; B = 'b'; DateTime = Get-Date }
$theObject = new-object psobject -Property $ht1
# Convert the PSCustomObject back to a hashtable
$ht2 = @{}
$ | Foreach { $ht2[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
Keith already gave you the answer, this is just another way of doing the same with a one-liner:
$ | foreach -begin {$h=@{}} -process {$h."$($_.Name)" = $_.Value} -end {$h}
Here's a version that works with nested hashtables / arrays as well (which is useful if you're trying to do this with DSC ConfigurationData):
function ConvertPSObjectToHashtable
param (
if ($null -eq $InputObject) { return $null }
if ($InputObject -is [System.Collections.IEnumerable] -and $InputObject -isnot [string])
$collection = @(
foreach ($object in $InputObject) { ConvertPSObjectToHashtable $object }
Write-Output -NoEnumerate $collection
elseif ($InputObject -is [psobject])
$hash = @{}
foreach ($property in $InputObject.PSObject.Properties)
$hash[$property.Name] = ConvertPSObjectToHashtable $property.Value
My extremely lazy approach, enabled by a new feature in PowerShell 6:
$myhashtable = $mypscustomobject | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashTable
This works for PSCustomObjects created by ConvertFrom_Json.
Function ConvertConvertFrom-JsonPSCustomObjectToHash($obj)
$hash = @{}
$obj | Get-Member -MemberType Properties | SELECT -exp "Name" | % {
$hash[$_] = ($obj | SELECT -exp $_)
Disclaimer: I barely understand PowerShell so this is probably not as clean as it could be. But it works (for one level only).