How can I really disable the Cmd to Win key mapping in Parallels Desktop 5?

Removed it from System Preferences > Keyboard. No go.
Remapped ⌘ Cmd to be Ctrl. No go.
Ripping out the ⌘ Cmd key shouldn't be the solution. Anyone?...

Solution 1:

It works for me, but I have it remapped like this:

Parallels Keys

So cmd is really control for Windows.

Solution 2:

I found that mapping a different key to the Win command did not remove the Cmd key being mapped to Win. What worked for me was to map Cmd to Shift.

Cmd key mapped to Win key

All the other shortcuts such as Cmd + S (save), Cmd + C (copy), etc still worked but hitting Cmd by itself now just activates the Shift key which really does nothing by itself.

Solution 3:

Go to Parallels Desktop preferences and disable key mapping for key which behaves abnormally ("Cmd > win" in our case) as shown on the screenshot below:

alt text

Solution 4:

You can use Krumstick to remap the windows key inside Windows.