How can I remove soft coded subtitles from mkv file? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Remove embedded subtitles from an .mkv file?

How can I remove soft coded subtitles from a .mkv file?

Solution 1:

Install MKVtoolnix. It's a set of free tools for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

  • On Windows, download the latest version from here. Just run the installer.
  • On Linux, you can find the packages mkvtoolnix and mkvtoolnix-gui in your repository, or alternatively download them from the homepage.
  • On OS X, the easiest way would be to install mkvtoolnix through Homebrew.

After installing, you just need to run:

mkvmerge --no-subtitles input.mkv -o output.mkv

As easy as that. There's also a GUI, which allows you to remux streams as you like.

enter image description here