What does "@" symbol mean in "import { Component } from '@angular/core';" statement?

I'm reading Angular 2 "5 Min Quickstart" and there is such a line:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';"

I can't figure out, what does @ symbol make in that import? TypeScript docs also don't say anything about that.

What does it mean?

Solution 1:

Also of relevance is that you can use the @ symbol scoping for non-npm packages as well. You can use this in your project as a short way of referring to different directories.


import { MyService } from '@services/my.service';
import { HelloWorldComponent } from '@components/hello-world.component';

instead of

import { MyService } from '../../../../my.service';
import { HelloWorldComponent } from '../shared/deeply/nested/hello-world/hello-world.component';

To do this, you simply configure your tsconfig.json file (at root of project) like this:

  "compileOnSave": false,
  "compilerOptions": {

    // omitted...

    "baseUrl": "src",
    "paths": {
      "@services/*": ["app/path/to/services/*"],
      "@components/*": ["app/somewhere/deeply/nested/*"],
      "@environments/*": ["environments/*"]

See the full details at Angular Firebase

Solution 2:


This is NPM feature, scoped name, anything between @ and slash / will be your scope name.

npm scope document

Solution 3:

this is just a naming convention that Angular uses. Since the release they renamed it to @angular/core in stead of angular2/core.

It references the core components of the framework.

(found in post - angularjs 2 with angular-material @angular/core not found)