OS X: cycle between windows in visual studio code

I'm trying desperately to figure out how to cycle through windows in Visual studio code. In Finder, there is a menu item Cylcle Through Windows which I use frequently. However, this seems to be a Finder option. So I looked through the global shortcuts (since the requirement is probably the same for many applications) and assigned the Move focus to next window to shift-cmd-F1. This works in Finder and Text Editor, but not in Visual Studio Code. I checked if the key binding is overridden in VSC but I don't think so.

Anyone got this figured out and can help me?

edit: just found that this is actually a global shortcut under System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Move focus to next window. Unfortunately, Visual Code doesn't use it.

I added the following shortcut to keybindings.json

    "key": "alt+tab",
    "command": "workbench.action.quickSwitchWindow"

workbench.action.quickSwitchWindow does exactly what I want and it has no default shortcut enabled (on a spanish keyboard at least).

So, finally found the solution: Though for some reason the system-wide shortcut for Move focus to next window does not work, there is another shortcut which does: shift+cmd+~ :)

Found it here: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201236

You can use Switch window from command palette (command: workbench.action.switchWindow). The default shortcut is Ctrl + w.

It lists all the open windows for you to select and go.

It's improved further.