The Windows Server 2003 Resource kit includes a timeit utility. The resource kit works fine on XP as well, and I've used the individual tools on newer Windows operating systems as well.

If your Operating System has powershell (older operating systems might need a download), you can simply use Measure-Command cmdlet.

I found a tool which -- while not a direct port -- appears to give you the information you desire.

C:\> timemem "find \"e\" myfile.txt"

---------- MYFILE.TXT
>ONE Homo sapiens alu
>TWO IUB ambiguity codes
>THREE Homo sapiens frequency

Process ID: 476
    elapsed time (seconds): 5.81
    user time (seconds): 0.55
    kernel time (seconds): 0.30
    Page Fault Count: 3150
    Peak Working Set Size (kbytes): 12420
    Quota Peak Paged Pool Usage: 78324
    Quota Peak Non Paged Pool Usage: 2240
    Peak Pagefile Usage: 917504

timemem.exe is available from Andy Fingerhut's page of code and the timemem source is hosted on github as part of the clojure-benchmark repo.

Much detail is available in readme-timemem.txt, form where I copied the above example.

(found from this neglected answer over on superuser)