Pass NTLM with Postman

Is there a way to pass Windows Authentication with postman?

I have added this in header but still 401 Unauthorized.

Authorization: NTLM TkFcYWRtaW46dGVzdA==

As suggested by this link. I've encrypted as Unicode (UTF-16, little-endian) but of no use.

Any Ideas?

Solution 1:

I got this working by running Fiddler first.

  1. Run Fiddler (I'm using
  2. Fiddler Menu: Rule -> Automatically Authenticate = true
  3. Postman: Check that Authorization type = No Auth
  4. Browse api.

Solution 2:

you can use the the NTLM authorization exist in the Authorization tab same as this photo

enter image description here

Solution 3:

I don't think there is a way to do that. But, you are not alone in wanting it...

[EDIT] As of the addition of this edit, Postman has NTLM Authentication in beta in their most recent release.