Where can I find the API KEY for Firebase Cloud Messaging?

I am trying to figure out how the new version of GCM or Firebase Cloud Messaging works so I moved one of my projects to the new Firebase console, If I did not have the API KEY or I want to create a new one... where can I do it?

It's in https://console.firebase.google.com/project/(your-project-id)/settings/cloudmessaging

You can find the API KEY in:

(gear-next-to-project-name) > Project Settings > Cloud Messaging

Server Key is the API key.

STEP 1: Go to Firebase Console

STEP 2: Select your Project

STEP 3: Click on Settings icon and select Project Settings

Select Project Setting


enter image description here

Enter here:

https: //console.firebase.google.com/project/your-project-name/overview

(replace your-project with your project-name) and click in "Add firebase in your web app"(the red circle icon) this action show you a dialog with:

  • apiKey
  • authDomain
  • databaseURL
  • storageBucket
  • messagingSenderId