Drag and Drop across (fullscreen) applications, switching via Alt-Tab

Solution 1:

The way I found it working:

  1. Start dragging,
  2. Keeping your mouse button pressed, press Super + (0-9) to switch the application,
  3. Continue dragging and drop.

Note: In step 2 you can hold the Super key for a moment, the launcher will appear and will display you which number (0-9) is assigned to which application.

Solution 2:

I haven't found a reliable way to drop file-manager files onto (for example) Totem whilst the receiving application is full-screen - however if you dont make the receiving application full-screen, the following works for me.

Run CCSM and edit the Scale Addon.

Click "Initiate Window Picker" (initiate edge i.e. the one with the monitor icon) and assign BottomRight to it.

Next start the receiving application (not full screen).

Initiate Drag-and-drop from file manager for the files you want - drag the mouse to the BottomRight of the screen - SpreadMode will occur for all windows. Drag the mouse to receiving application. Spread Mode will close, with the receiving application as the active window. Drop the item(s) you have been dragging.

I've tried this with the example of Totem as full-screen. It works some of the time, but not reliably. I think its the global-menu that is grabbing various events.

N.B. To get the example Totem to accept one of more files on the drop will need a slight-modification to its desktop launcher as described in this AU question