GoogleSignatureVerifier signature not valid message (google play services 9.0.0)

Solution 1:

Sorry, thats a bug! It's just spurious logging though: Google Play services does some checking to see whether you are a Google app or a regular third party one.

As part of that, it calls the signature verifier and the logging ended up more verbose than intended - it will be fixed in a future version.This shouldn't affect the behavior of your app at all.

Solution 2:

You will find a lot of solutions on the net, but the only one who works for me was to downgrade the Google Play Services to 8.7.02 version on my devices. I hope Google will fix this error rapidly :')

Solution 3:

As mentioned in the other answers, its the Google Play Services 9 update to the device. You can have these options until google fix the bug:

  • Safely ignore it

  • Downgrade your phone/device using Settings->Apps->Google play services->(three dots on top right menu)->Uninstall

    If the Disable/Force Stop buttons are greyed out you may need to remove the app from being a 'device administrator' before uninstalling it.

Google plus blog relating to the bug:

Removing/Recreating the keystore.debug file is unlikely to help. If you've done this already then you'll need to create a new one using the 'map api developer console'

Solution 4:

  1. make sure you entered your SHA sinature and package name correctly.

  2. make sure you have enabled your GoogleMaps Api in your ApiManager>Overview after creating your project in api console(search it in google)

  3. make sure you have allowed internet permissions in your manifest file

  4. in your build file use compile '' (works for me)

In my case i missed out step 3 .