How to install Django 1.6?

Solution 1:

While you can install it manually (, I recommend using the Python package manager as it is easier to install, maintain and upgrade.

  1. Install Pip, the Python package manager.

    sudo apt-get install python-pip
  2. Optionally, but recommended, upgrade pip, using itself:

    sudo pip install -U pip
  3. Install the latest stable version of Django:

    sudo pip install Django

    This installs 1.6.2 at the time of writing(check here the latest pypi version).

To install a specific version, add a requirement specifier like this:

sudo pip install Django==1.6.2

Note that APT, the Debian/Ubuntu package management will still report the older version installed and it is still installed as well. APT installs in dist-packages paths while Pip installs in the site-packages paths. The latter takes precedence, so that's locally installed packages will be chosen. See also: What's the difference between dist-packages and site-packages?

Solution 2:

First remove the previously installed django 1.3.1 version by deleting the django folder inside /usr/local/lib/pythonx.x/dist-packages(x.x denotes the version of python).Then follow the below steps,

  • Download Django 1.6 from here.

  • Open the terminal and move to the directory where you placed the Django 1.6.

    cd path/to/driectory/which/contains/django1.6.tar.gz

  • Extract the django1.6.tar.gz by running the below command.

    tar -xzvf Django-1.6.tar.gz

  • Move to the Django-1.6 directory

    cd Django-1.6

  • Run the below command to install Django-1.6

    sudo python install