Wrap long template literal line to multiline without creating a new line in the string

In es6 template literals, how can one wrap a long template literal to multiline without creating a new line in the string?

For example, if you do this:

const text = `a very long string that just continues
and continues and continues`

Then it will create a new line symbol to the string, as interpreting it to have a new line. How can one wrap the long template literal to multiple lines without creating the newline?

If you introduce a line continuation (\) at the point of the newline in the literal, it won't create a newline on output:

const text = `a very long string that just continues\
and continues and continues`;
console.log(text); // a very long string that just continuesand continues and continues

This is an old one. But it came up. If you leave any spaces in the editor it will put them in there.

  const text = `a very long string that just continues\
  and continues and continues`;

just do the normal + symbol

  const text = `a very long string that just continues` +
  `and continues and continues`;

You could just eat the line breaks inside your template literal.

// Thanks to https://twitter.com/awbjs for introducing me to the idea
// here: https://esdiscuss.org/topic/multiline-template-strings-that-don-t-break-indentation

const printLongLine = continues => {
    const text = `a very long string that just ${continues}${''
                 } and ${continues} and ${continues}`;
    return text;