How can I prevent Music app from starting automatically randomly?

The Music app which was introduced in Catalina continuously starts automatically on my Mac. It launches suddenly while I use the mac. The system doesn’t launch the app at the time of the startup.

I tried the followings:

  • Shutdown and restart the system.
  • SMC and PRAM reset.

The Music app cannot be deleted so it is very frustrating to see the app start automatically and play the music.

Is there any way to stop it from launching automatically? This question is not about the app being launched when you plug your iPhone to your Mac either.


I found out that Siri is also launched from time to time.


For Siri, I disabled it from System Preferences and it stopped popping up. However, the Music app keeps popping up and there is no solution yet.

Solution 1:

I have had this experience and I discovered that my finger was lightly brushing the "Play" button on the MacBook Pro's Touchbar. If the current app has no hook for that button, it seems that macOS now choses to launch the Music app.

The solution should be to run launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ See this howtogeek for details.

Alternatively, you can use noTunes from Tom Taylor to prevent iTunes or Apple Music from launching automatically.

Solution 2:

I found this in github and it works as expected on Catalina:


Solution 3:

This answer prevents from opening on startup, which is what the OP originally asked before editing the question.

There are three ways (that I know of).

The first method is going to System Preferences -> Users and Groups -> Login Items and clicking the - button when selecting an application to remove it from startup.

The second method is to right-click the application in your Dock, then uncheck Options -> Open At Login.

The final method is going to Finder, LaunchDaemons in:


and deleting the .plist file for the music app.

You may also need to remove it from:
