SSL/TLS 1.2 on Apache with openssl 1.0.1

I built and installed openssl 1.0.1. How do I force Apache to use TLS 1.2 Ciphers?

TLS 1.2 is covered in these 2 documents;

Basically the latter doc is Prohibiting SSL 2.0 from being negotiated by TLS1.2 and this is the default for httpd 2.2 shipped with fedora; eg SSLProtocol all -SSLv2

However your question was about CipherSuites which are also covered in those docs; By the looks of it, the only mandatory cipher suite for TLS 1.2 is TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA

Appendix C. Cipher Suite Definitions
Cipher Suite                            Key        Cipher         Mac
TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA            RSA          AES_128_CBC  SHA

This says that the server must provide an RSA certificate for key exchange, and that the cipher should be AES_128_CBC and the Mac SHA.

From the httpd mod_ssl docs, this translates to;

 SSLCipherSuite aRSA:kRSA:AES128-CBC:SHA   

which is documented here;