#1292 - Incorrect date value: '0000-00-00' [duplicate]
I referenced many questions which have the same title as mine, but they have a different approach and different issue so this question is not a duplicate.
I have a table in which column
is a date
type and has the default value 0000-00-00
Insertion by website is working fine but when I try to insert any value by phpmyadmin
then I got following error.
version is 5.7.11
. One more thing recently our server has been upgrade from mysqlnd 5.0.12
to 5.7.11
Here is the query
INSERT INTO `iavlif_fmp_clientquote` (`jm_cqid`, `fmsq_id`, `fmsg_id`,
`fm_sctrdate`, `fm_sctrtime`, `fm_sctbaggage_weight`,
`fm_sctfreight_weight`, `fm_sctpassenger`, `fm_sctinfant`,
`fm_sctinfant_details`, `fm_sctinfant_dob`, `fmtp_id`, `fmtpi_id`,
`jmcnt_id`, `fm_name`, `fm_company`, `fm_email`, `fm_phone`, `fmts_id`,
`jmts_id`, `fm_pax_nbr`, `fm_hours_nbr`, `fmqt_id`, `fmtr_id`,
`fm_sctnotes`, `fm_locdepart`, `fm_locarrive`, `fm_sctconsignment_weight`,
`fm_sctconsignment_dimensions`, `fm_sctconsignment_desc`, `fm_sctdangerous`,
`fm_scturgent`, `fm_sctspecial_instructions`, `fm_sctquote_type`,
`fm_sctwork_type`, `fm_sctreoccuring`, `fm_sctaccommodation`, `fm_sctcar`,
`fm_recdate`, `fm_recenddate`, `fm_recfrequency`, `fm_rectime`,
`fm_medical`, `fm_medical_details`, `fm_user_ip`, `fm_dang_details`,
`fm_sctsubstance`, `fm_sctpurchase_number`, `fm_role_id`, `fm_myrole_id`,
`jm_myrole_id`, `fm_sctwork_point`, `fm_locdepartarrive`, `fm_sctnbr`,
`fm_dateCreated`, `fm_cc`, `fm_gl`, `fm_timeCreated`, `jm_qtid`, `jmtp_id`,
`jmtpi_id`, `jmsg_id`, `jms_id`, `jmsq_id`, `fms_id`, `fmcq_id`) VALUES
(NULL, '1', '1', '0000-00-00', '1', '1', '1', 'sdfasd', 'No',
'sdafdsafdsaf', 'dsfas', 'sdfasd', 'dsafds', '0', 'asdfds', 'sdfasd',
'sdfads', 'sdaf', 'sdaf', 'sdaf', '0', '0', '0', '1sadfasdsda', 'sdfadsf',
'as', 'as', 'as', 'asas', 'asd', 'No', 'No', 'adsfsd', 'eqwrqew', 'qewrqew',
'No', 'No', 'No', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'ewqr', 'qewrw', 'No', 'eqwr',
'ewqr', 'qewr', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0000-00-00', '', '',
'00:00:00.000000', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL)
We started facing this issue just after upgrade of mysql
The error is because of the sql mode which can be strict mode as per latest MYSQL 5.7 documentation.
For more information read this.
Hope it helps.
You have 2 options to make your way:
- Select NULL from the dropdown to keep it blank.
- Select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP to set current datetime as default value.
After reviewing MySQL 5.7 changes, MySql stopped supporting zero values in date / datetime.
It's incorrect to use zeros in date or in datetime, just put null instead of zeros.