how to install Wifi and Bluetooth drivers in ubuntu 12.04 lts [duplicate]

Wifi :

Driver can be installed as running followings :

sudo apt-get install collectd-core collectd-dev collectd-dbg collectd-utils

Then Install the network Manager for the wifi connectons - Wicd

(You can run with Network Manager. But for channel selection and many other features can be done with Wicd)

sudo apt-get install wicd-gtk wicd wicd-daemon wicd-curses wicd-cli

Bluetooth :

Drivers for the bluetooth devices can be installed with :

sudo apt-get install bluez bluez-alsa bluez-audio bluez-btsco bluez-compat bluez-cups bluez-dbg bluez-gstreamer bluez-hcidump bluez-pcmcia-support bluez-tools bluez-utils python-bluez bluewho indicator-bluetooth libbluetooth-dev  libgnome-bluetooth11 libbluetooth3