Nautilus not generating thumbnails in 13.10

Like the title says, Nautilus is not generating thumbnails for any file types (pictures, documents, pdf, etc) after a clean install of 13.10. I have checked the preferences and it is set to always generate thumbnails.

Help please!

Solution 1:

I solved the problem by deleting whole folder thumbnails in ~/.cache and remaking it.

  1. Disable preview in nautilus by opening home folder, Edit-> Preferences-> Preview.

  2. sudo rm ~/.cache/thumbnails

  3. Empty trash can

  4. mkdir ~/.cache/thumbnails

  5. Reboot

  6. Enable preview, again home folder, Edit-> Preferences-> Preview.


Solution 2:

I think the issue arises from the fact that the /home/x/.cache/thumbnails is owned by root, not by the actual user...

Hence rather than setting it to chmod 777, all you need to do is to "sudo chown [username] /home/[username]/.cache/thumbnails"

The above solves the problem for me.