Is there a way to deliver a customized file to a server via puppet

Solution 1:

What you're looking to do is called a template. It's a core feature of Puppet, and very useful. You write a file in eRB format that can use Ruby code and Facter variables to build a file. Here's an example:

file { '/etc/my_config_file':
  ensure => present,
  owner => 'root',
  group => 'root',
  mode => 0700,
  content => template('module/my_config_file.erb'),

Now, in your module hierarchy under templates/ (not files/), place a file my_config_file.erb:

location=<%= LOCATION_NUMBER %>

The <%= %> format says to execute some Ruby code and return the result. In this case, all facts are available as local variables, like ipaddress, lsbmajdistrelease or LOCATION_NUMBER(your custom fact). You can also use any other Ruby code that doesn't directly return a result inside <% %>, such as if statements:

<% if LOCATION_NUMBER == 7 %>
<% else %>
<% end %>

Edit: As I re-read this answer, I'd like to suggest that you don't use capital letters for your Fact name. In Ruby, a variable that starts with a capital letter is immutable. While I'm not sure this is really an issue, it goes against convention.