What do the various IP addresses mean?

When I visit a website (e.g. whatismyip.com) it states that my IP address is 13.151.xxx.xxx. However, when I run ipconfig, my IP address is 192.168.0.xx for IPv4 and my DNS adress is 202.xx.xxx.xx.

Why is there a difference? Also, how can I find the first IP address through the command line?

In Linux if you type ifconfig it shows your system IP address. And in the browser if you enter www.ipaddress.com it shows your Internet connection IP address.

In your case,

  • 192.168.0.x --> System IP address
  • 13.151.xxx.xxx. --->Internet connection.

Always the IP address shown in the ifconfig is the first IP address

Your computer is behind a router that is using NAT to share a single connection to the Internet. I would setup an account with dyndns.com and install the client on your computer. Once that is done you should always be able to find the IP of your router with a dns query for "yourname".dyndns.com. Some routers also have dynamic dns clients built in.