Does Jenkins Pipeline Plug-in support Docker Compose?

Solution 1:

After searching in Jenkins bug tracking, JENKINS-35025 suggests docker-compose.yml is taken into account when running a job in a docker container, using a maven build.

See also Creating CI pipeline with Jenkins, which assumes docker-compose is installed on your Jenkins server.

Note: a year later (August 2017), docker-compose is still not supported in the Docker Pipeline plugin

July 2018, Ivan Aracki notes in the comments:

Manually installing docker-cli and docker-compose with the same version as host's is the solution for now...

Solution 2:

Here are the files to run a jenkins container that runs docker inside:

docker run \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  --name jenkins \
