Can you eradicate barbarians completely in Civ 6?

I'm at peace with all my neighbors.

I thought: hm. Let me just get rid all the barbarians so I can focus on space race. I got rid of two barbarian outposts. Then one spawned. Then another barbarian outpost spawned. Now there are FOUR barbarian outposts.

The eradicating the first three barbarian outposts was easy... I have guns they have clubs (musketmen, infantry, rangers vs warriors and archers).

But now that I have nuclear tech... The barbarians are spawning NUCLEAR SUBMARINES. It took 3-4 naval ships to take out their nuclear submarine.

Can you eradicate barbarians completely?

I ask because everytime I destroy one barbarian outpost 1-2 barbarian outposts spawn.

It's really getting tiresome. I have spent now about 30+ turns and like 5-10+ hours.

Do I need to create nukes and just nuke all of them in one turn to prevent them spawning?

Solution 1:

Barbarians can spawn throughout the duration of the game in the "fog of war" area; that is, tiles which no civ or city-state has vision of.

So to keep Barbarians from spawning, you'd need to put cities/scouts/other units in those "dark" areas of the map where there are no civs or city-states. Once the whole map is covered by the vision of at least one civ or city-state, barbarianism will cease.