Which Linux distribution is suitable for serverside development and somewhat easy to use? [closed]

I need to setup a Linux-based server which is going to be the backend for our web services.

This is what I need: (In order of importance)

  1. A GUI to manage applications and files
  2. It would be running a custom built C++ server
  3. Probably also the LAMP stack, if needed.
  4. I would be trying out ERP or other serverside software on it also (optional).

Which Linux distribution do you recommend for such a use-case, considering I'm not an expert at any Unix-like OS (a week of experience with CentOS, some experience with Ubuntu).

This is what I understand about each distro:

  • Ubuntu - easy to use, the most popular, easy to install apps, no hassle
  • Debian - older, but might be tough to configure
  • CentOS - troublesome, hard to install apps
  • Mint - popular, based on Ubuntu and Debian

Edit: I have a lot of people recommending Ubuntu over CentOS(1, 2) for serverside apps. Is Ubuntu fine for such things? Its not slower than CentOS or anything troublesome?

And should I go with Ubuntu or Ubuntu Server? what are the advantages of either?

"Software installation is a breeze on Ubuntu. Even the server applications come with decent default configurations and are normally usable out-of-the-box. It's a software paradise."

Solution 1:

CentOS will probably be your best bet regarding ERP stuff as it's going to be the closest to the big commercial distros that these software are designed to run on. Otherwise any of them will meet your criteria. I think Ubuntu and Mint are more popular for desktop use though so I'd say stick with Debian or CentOS.

Solution 2:

Debian isn't older - its the same base as Ubuntu ... the same way CentOS is the same base as RedHat.

All our servers run Debian (without a GUI) out of preference for aptitude over yum, and the far better organisation of files (/var/logs etc.)

However, we do have a lot of machines running CentOS and RedHat and are equally as easy to use, just a little bit more of a nuisance when logs/confs/bins are all over the place. But RedHat does come with the option of an SLA (if you can pay for it).

Ubuntu has a slicker GUI than Debian, but that is because it was originally aimed at the desktop market, Ubuntu Server LTS was a relatively new addition.

It mostly comes down to preference and not much else.

Solution 3:

I would recommend Debian, even if it's the older one, is very stable {that is the reason why is "old" as you call it, since before releasing new package on the repositories the stability is checked twice ;) }

Moreover it's a good compromise to "easy to use" and "reliability"...

Otherwise if you want to acquire skills ;) --> go CentOS... but the time will increase as well as Unix Like OS skills ;)