C# Adding button with value at runtime [closed]

I would like to add a button with value to my tab control during runtime. A lot of tutorial show how it's done while creating connecting with database. Is there any way that it can be done without connecting to database?

enter image description here

After I input data into both textbox and clicked save, new button should appear on tab control on another form.

In you save button put :

 private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                x = 4;
                 y = panel1 .Controls.Count * 70;
                Button newButton = new Button ();
                newButton.Height = 150;
                newButton.Width = 60;
                newButton.Location = new Point(x, y);
                newButton.Text= "your text";
                 newButton.Click += new       
              tabControl1.TabPages [0].Controls.Add(newButton);


And also you can handel the click of new button created :

public void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Button button = (Button)sender ;
        MessageBox.Show("Button is pressed "+button .Text );
