Splitting a data frame into equal parts

I have an example data frame:

df <- data.frame(x = 1:112, y = runif(112))

Is there a way to print a list of data frames with the first part of the list containing rows 1:10, the second 11:20, etc. up until the end (111:112)?

Solution 1:

You could use split(), with rep() to create the groupings.

n <- 10
nr <- nrow(df)
split(df, rep(1:ceiling(nr/n), each=n, length.out=nr))

Solution 2:

This can be solved with nesting using tidyr/dplyr


num_groups = 10

iris %>% 
   group_by((row_number()-1) %/% (n()/num_groups)) %>%
   nest %>% pull(data)