Customizing touch bar word predictions

Is it possible to change/modify the word prediction engine used by Apple in its touch bar predictions?

For example, can it be replaced by Google's auto-generated suggestions (similar to what's on Google Keyboard) or modified in a way such that I can add words to the dictionary from which words are predicted?

The default touch bar predictions don't seem to learn much from what I type on my keyboard. I personally find Google keyboard suggestions (on smartphones) much better as compared to ones on the touch bar. I am a new macOS user and I am not sure if Apple allows one to do this.

Assuming it to be same as the one in keyboard predictions on iOS, Apple would have put poor Siri's name for this tool too. The best way I found to train it is to use it multiple times. For a persistent error, text replacement to the rescue.

Where does Apple's predictive keyboard get its “contextual” content from?

This question is for iOS, but it's not unreasonable to assume that prediction algorithm can be same in both places.