Embedding a ruby script in AppleScript

Solution 1:

A Ruby script can be placed into an AppleScript string for use with do shell script, but note that special characters in the string such as backslash and double quotes will need to be escaped with a backslash. There are a couple of different arrangements you can use, my preference is a here document, for example:

on run -- Script Editor or application double-clicked
    doStuff for (choose file with multiple selections allowed)
end run

on open theFiles -- items dropped onto the application
    doStuff for theFiles
end open

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items -- folder action
    doStuff for these_items
end adding folder items to

to doStuff for someFiles
    set argString to "" -- create an argument string from the item list
    repeat with anItem in someFiles -- quote and separate
        set anItem to POSIX path of anItem
        set argString to argString & quoted form of anItem & space
    end repeat

    set heredoc to "<<-SCRIPT
# place your (escaped for AppleScript strings) code here, for example:
ARGV.each_with_index do |arg, index|
  puts \"Argument #{index}:  #{arg}\"

    set scriptResult to (do shell script "/usr/bin/env ruby - " & argString & heredoc) -- run it
    return paragraphs of scriptResult -- or whatever
end doStuff

The -e option can also be used instead of the here document (see the Ruby man page), for example:

    set rubyScript to "# place your (escaped for AppleScript strings) code here, for example:
ARGV.each_with_index do |arg, index|
  puts \"Argument #{index}:  #{arg}\"

    set scriptResult to (do shell script "/usr/bin/env ruby -e " & (quoted form of rubyScript) & space & argString) -- run it