Getting “Unable to Check for Update” error when trying to update to iOS 13.1

I’m currently running iOS 13. When trying to update to iOS 13.1, I get the following error after opening the software update screen:

enter image description here

I’m using an iPhone XS Max. I’ve tried the following without success:

  • Restarting the phone
  • Force restarting the phone
  • Being on WiFi or cellular
  • Resetting the network settings
  • Contacting Apple Support via the app (the suggested solution was a force restart)

I’ve never encountered this error before, even when I updated to iOS 13 (or even 12) right at the launch time, so I’m suspecting it’s not related to the amount of traffic for a mostly minor update. I’ve also been experiencing this error almost continuously for about 24 hours.

Unfortunately I don’t have access to a computer with iTunes running to attempt the update with.

Has anybody else experienced this error and is there a solution?

Solution 1:

You have done everything that you can do from your iPhone. The solution for you at the moment is to use iTunes from your Mac/PC if you really want to have iOS 13.1.

  1. If you want to update immediately, plug in your iPhone to your Mac
  2. Update via iTunes by clicking the Check for Software Update button

enter image description here

I got the same issue and with iTunes, I was able to fix it. Sorry, at the moment with my knowledge those basic solutions from the phone don't work and didn't help me. I would love to hear if anyone has fixed via iPhone only.

Solution 2:

I've encountered the same problem and solved like that way. I am using iphone7.

  1. Connect internet with cellular.
  2. Go to .. General → Setting → Software update
  3. While connecting to the apple server, try cellular internet off and on until "Automatic Updates" option display. (try two to three times above procedure)
  4. When "Automatic Updates" option display, change "on" → "off".
  5. Connect internet again and this time ios13.1 update will be displayed.