Compiling from Linux driver for a PCI (not PCI-E) video capture card to use in OSX [closed]

Is there a way to convert and compile a kernel driver from linux to use it on OSX? I still use a very old Philips SAA7134 chipset based analog video capture card in my machine. This computer though is a hackintosh, so I have the benefit of having a PCI slot. Currently, I am still booting to Windows to use the card, but just out of curiosity i'd wanted to ask if it would be possible. I found source code for linux drivers for this chipset here:

Solution 1:

It is not possible to just recompile a kernel driver for Linux for macOS.

It is possible to convert them - but doing so requires developer competencies in both Linux and macOS kernel areas. I.e. this is definitely not something a normal user can do. It cannot be automated.

What you might be able to do instead is to run a virtualized Linux, and use PCI passthrough to give the Linux kernel access to the raw hardware interface.