Disable preview thumbnails during Alt+Tab switching in Windows Vista / 7 [duplicate]

ALT + (tap the other ALT key) + TAB gives you the 'classic' preview, at least when using Aero.

To make it the default, check out barbudo's comment here.

Try this:

  1. Go to Control Panel > Performance Information and Tools;

  2. Click on Adjust visual effects;

  3. Uncheck Enable Desktop Composition.

It will affect other subtleties in Windows appearance, but I don't know another way to disable these thumbnails.

Trick found on http://www.mattbrindley.com/developing/windows/windows-vista-win-tab-alt-tab:

Create a DWORD called "AltTabSettings" in \HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer and set it to 1. This will get you back your beloved classic (and super zippy) Windows XP AltTab.

VistaSwitcher is normally meant to improve the ALT-Tab hotkey, adding more features.

However, if you disable most of the "bells'n'whistles", you get a list of open windows and their icons, and nothing else!

alt text

Although it's called VistaSwitcher, it runs perfectly on Windows 7 and it's free!