Pasting text on new Android emulator

I am using the emulator that comes with Android Studio and need to past text between my OSX Yosemite machine and an app in the emulator.

I started my emulator with emulator -avd Nexus_6_API_23

I tried long click Command-V it does not paste

I see How can I copy/pate multibyte characters on Android Emulator? and a few others like Paste text on Android Emulator but they seem related to adb and not the new emulator.

Any ideas pls?

Solution 1:

Follow these steps for write copied text:

  1. Open Terminal

  2. Write command: adb devices (it will list the device currently connected)

  3. Select Textbox where you want to write text

  4. Write command: adb shell input text 'Yourtext' (make sure only one device is connected to run this command and that you can also use Single Quotes)

  5. Done!

Solution 2:

In a terminal, type

adb shell input text 'my string here.'

This work only you have one emulator or one device connected your PC.