Witcher 3: stuck at the Morkvarg quest

I found myself in the middle of the Morkvarg quest without even realizing it's a side quest. I'm stuck at it, and the problem is, I cannot kill Morkvarg (my attacks don't do much to him, but 2-3 attacks from him kills me). I have been searching a little bit to find how to finish this quest; however, everything I have found so far includes killing Morkvarg, which I cannot do.

At this point I'm happy even to drop out of this quest and continue the game, but I don't know how to drop out of a quest (and doesn't seem like I have a saved version immediately before the quest started)

Any tip will be appreciated!

Assuming your a little bit of a lower level and not ready to take him on. A good idea in this case would be to leave and come back later at a higher level.

Upgraded Quen really helps against big enemies, it can help with their initial hits and lets you roll away after you get caught.

Also make sure to use your oils on your silver sword, you can inflict more damage with the correct oil.

There's nothing you can about talking him down, you'll have to initiate combat to calm him down no matter how you finish the quest. So if you can't stand in the battle for long, come back after you're a higher level and have better equipment.