Vulgar slang equivalent to "Breaking someone's balls" [closed]

I need some context before making my question.


I was in a pub yesterday and together with a friend of mine we were practicing English (we are in the UK). Between the two of us I'm the one who knows English better , so basically I'm trying to teach him what I know (which is not that great but it's still a starting point). He's a very beginner so such "sessions" are his very first conversations in English and therefore he often struggles.


At the end of the evening he wanted to ask me whether he was "annoying/bothering" me because of such conversations (because he thinks I get very tired and it could be too much of an effort) and he used the expression "Am I breaking your balls?", in our language such expression (vulgar slang) is actually used to point out that something is annoying/frustrating/nagging etc.

I don't think such an expression is used in English, is there any equivalent (vulgar slang) for the same thing?

I've seen (but never heard actually) something like "get on someone tits" or "busting someone's balls", but I do not think they're actually very common here.

So the context is basically two guys, very close to each other so everything can be said without being afraid to be particularly offensive etc, one of which is very frustrated.

What would have probably said an actual English guy?

Solution 1:

A typical query would be “Am I bothering you?” or “Am I getting on your nerves?”

But a more vulgar one might be: “Am I becoming a pain in the ass?”

Sometimes one approaches this with statements instead of questions:

I don’t want to become a /pain in the ass/bother/nuisance, so let me know if you think I am.

Solution 2:

I think an English guy would say ‘I’m sorry, am I giving you a hard time?’

He might say ‘sorry if I’m getting on your tits’ (slang, not polite)

Or ‘sorry if I’m getting on your wick’ (wick=nerves). Slang, but polite.

‘Busting your balls’ can mean working hard on something - but you can’t say ‘busting someone’s balls’ it’s not idiomatic. You can say ‘he busted his balls to win that promotion’. You could say ‘thanks for busting your balls (working so hard) to help me’ but it sounds a bit odd - usually that phrase is used to describe a 3rd party - passively.

And the ‘breaking balls’ thing - we don’t have.