Copy this code to a module in VBA Editor (Alt + F11) for your document. If there isn't a module already, you can select to add one from the insert menu.

    Sub PicResize()
     Dim PercentSize As Integer

     PercentSize = 75

     If Selection.InlineShapes.Count > 0 Then
         Selection.InlineShapes(1).ScaleHeight = PercentSize
         Selection.InlineShapes(1).ScaleWidth = PercentSize
         Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleHeight Factor:=(PercentSize / 100), _
         Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleWidth Factor:=(PercentSize / 100), _
     End If
 End Sub

To run a this macro press Alt + F8, select PicResize from the list of macros and click RUN. You can also assign it to a button in a menu, if you want to just click each time to run the macro.