How to change package name of Android Project in Eclipse?

Solution 1:

This is a bug in the Eclipse Android tools.

To fix: Right click on the project, go to Android tools -> Rename application package.

And also check AndroidManifest.xml if it updated correctly. In my case it didn't, and that should solve this problem.

Solution 2:

As usual, by pressing F2 on the package name, you can rename or change the package name, and also by right-clicking and then select Rename option, you can change or rename the package name.

When you press F2, it will show you the dialog box as:

Alt text

In this dialog, don't forget to check the "Update references" checkbox because by making "check" to this check-box, it will make changes to all the references of the package which are referred by other components of project.

Solution 3:

None of these worked for me, they all introduced errors.

The following worked for me:

  • Right click the project and select Android Tools >> Rename Application Package.
  • Enter the new Package name
  • Accept all the automatic changes it wants to make
  • Say yes to update the launch configuration

Solution 4:

One extremely important notice:

NEVER use a direct package names as in something similar to passing a string value containing the package name. Use the method getPackageName(). This will make the renaming dynamic. Do whatever to reach the method getPackageName().

In Eclipse Juno, the correct way of renaming is:

  1. Go and edit the manifest.
  2. Remove every old package name in the manifest.
  3. Put instead of the old package name, the new package name in every location inside the manifest. You might have classes (Activities that is) that need direct package name references.
  4. Save the manifest.
  5. Then right click the package name inside the project.
  6. Select "Refactor".
  7. Select "Rename".
  8. Type the new package name.
  9. Select "update references".
  10. Press OK and you're done and watch out also what should be done to replace the new name.
  11. Don't forget to also update the layout XML files with the new package name. You might have a custom View. Look for them.

Solution 5:

 Right click on your project name and select Android Tools , then click 
 Rename Application Package, then change your project name click OK and 
 click Finish.

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