show dock permanently on the primary display only or simultaneously on both displays

I have an external monitor connected to a Macbook. The current behaviour of the dock is that it jumps from one display to another whenever the cursor is at the bottom, which I find quite annoying.

Is is possible to change this to either of the following?

  • Show the dock permanently on the primary display only
  • Show the dock permanently on both displays

You can achieve the first, lock it to a single display - though it will entail a change in working practice.

System Prefs > Mission Control
Uncheck "Displays have separate Spaces"

Your Spaces/Desktops will then always move as a pair, locked together.

enter image description here

Then use System prefs > Displays > Arrangement
You can drag the menu bar representation to define your primary display. The Dock will remain always on this display.

enter image description here

As the Dock is always shown either on the active Space/Desktop in single-screen, or only on the primary display of a multi-screen setup, there's no way to make it appear on two displays simultaneously.