How do I give a player a colored leather armor using commands?

I believe that currently it is impossible to do this. This is since bedrock doesn't support nbt data, as stated in the Reddit link below:

However, there is a sneaky work around I am making up on the fly (so comment if there is something I can fix): The idea is you can tp said player under a dispenser which fires, dispensing the armor piece. If you are required to keep the player in the same spot before the tp (instead of moving them to a start area), you can use an entity to save the position:

/tp @e[name="tpPos"] <player>
/tp <player> x y z
*power dispenser*
/tp <player> @e[name="tpPos"]

To fill the dropper up again, you can clone a different one with the item in it:

/clone x1 y1 z1 x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z1

(coordinate set 1 is the saved dispenser, coordinate set 2 is the dispenser to refill)

I just noticed @SomeguySomewere beat me to this answer :) I hope the commands help!