Active Directory Group membership inheritance

If you add some users to the MasterGroup they will not be automatically members of the subGroups. But if you add some users to one of the subGroups, these users will inheredit permissions from the MasterGroup as subGroups are part of the MasterGroup. Please note that the resulting permission will be a combination of MasterGroup permission, subGroup permission and user permissions too.

Okay, your question is pretty badly worded but I think that's down to a lack of knowledge. I think you'd benefit from reading these Microsoft topics on Active Directory Groups:

In particular, Group Scope and Nested Groups

This isn't intended to be an RTFM answer, but those pages will explain the whole thing in more detail than can be reasonably achieved in an answer here.

If you have the following AD groups

[All Staff]

[Factory Staff]

[Office Staff]

[Assembly Team]

[Engineering Team]

[Sales Team]

[Accounts Team]

You could build a hierarchy as follows:

                                      [All Staff]
                     |                                     |
            [Factory Staff]                        [Office Staff]
                     |                                     |
         -------------------                      ----------------
         |                  |                     |              |

[Assembly Team] [Engineering Team]          [Sales Team] [Accounts Team]
  • Adding a user to [All Staff] will make the user a member of [All Staff]
  • Adding a user to [Factory Staff] will make them a member of [Factory Staff] and [All Staff]
  • Adding a user to [Assembly Team] will make them a member of [Assembly Team] and [Factory Staff] and [All Staff]